The Glencarn Hotel is situated in the centre of Castleblayney town, located 1km from the shores of the magnificent Lough Muckno. The staff and management at the Glencarn Hotel are well placed to assist you during your pike angling holiday and can draw on a local network of pike angling expertise second to none to ensure that your angling holiday is a great success.
Our spacious car park can provide parking for boats and we can organise storage facilities for angling equipment as well as storage for your bait. We can also offer flexible mealtimes to fit around your angling trips and can provide you with a packed lunch to keep hunger at bay while you enjoy the excellent fishing on Lough Muckno.
Check our SPECIAL GROUP RATES or CONTACT US directly for a quote. For additional information on guide services, boat hire, tackle shops and angling maps click here
Lough Muckno is surrounded by the unspoiled picturesque Co. Monaghan countryside in which anglers can experience and enjoy some of best pike angling in Ireland. The quality of pike angling available on Lough Muckno draws anglers from all over the world to fish this prolific water. It is an ideal venue for expert and novice anglers and there are a number of family friendly areas where can families can fish together or enjoy the many other outdoor activities that are available on the Lough.
Lough Muckno
Located off the N2 on the eastern side of Castleblayney and the largest lake in the area. It covers an area of circa 325 hectares with depths to 20m. There are a number of excellent shore fishing locations on this lake which can be readily accessed by pike anglers. The main pike fishing locations include White Island, Black and Yellow Island, South Lodge and Toome Point. This lake holds excellent stocks of small to medium sized pike with many larger fish in excess of 20lbs being taken every year. This fantastic water has also produced a number of fish over 30lbs. There are two slipways on the lake at South Lodge and at the entrance to Black Island where boats can be launched and and recovered. Although pike angling is available on the shore, best results are achieved by boat which enables anglers to reach many areas that are not accessible from the shore.

White Island
Accessed through the gates to Hope Castle to the east of the town. This is a popular pike fishing location and many good fish are taken annually. Fishing in this area is to about 6m on the eastern shore and there is a shelf along which the pike patrol as you fish towards black island. Coarse anglers are often plagued by pike during pleasure and match sessions. This is a good location for legered dead baits, sink and draw or float fishing techniques. Pike are also taken regularly at the point of the island. There is excellent parking available in the field but anglers must be aware that the access road is liable to flooding during certain periods of the year. The field and the margins of the lake can also be soft and slippery especially after rain.

Black and Yellow Island
Accessed as for White Island. Stay left on the roadway and you will find parking for your vehicle next to the wooden bridge across the river. There is no vehicular access across the bridge. There is a walkway through the wooded area that leads to a number of fishing pegs on the right and left. It is a pleasant walk but the advice is to travel light. Anglers can expect to fish into depths of 5m to 10m in this area. A slipway close to the bridge allows anglers to launch boats at this point but take care of the step which can drop off suddenly.
Concra Wood
Located by turning right off the N2 onto the N53 as you enter Castleblayney. After approximately 1.5km there is a signposted lane-way to the left which indicates the way to this location. There are many swims in this area and it is a popular competition venue. Fishing is generally into depths of 3m to 4m. but depths to 9m are possible off the Belfast steps. This area produces great catches of quality roach but all the other species listed are regularly taken. There is a golf course adjacent to this area so please take care when accessing this area and respect other users. Legered dead-baits can produce results off the Belfast Steps and spinning and floated dead-baits can prove effective at Concra.

South Lodge
Accessed as for Concra Wood except the left turn is located 2.5km along the N53. This turn is signposted and takes you directly to the lakeside. This is an excellent fishing venue located close to the road and is a suitable for disabled anglers or those with reduced mobility. Fishing on the inside of the islands is to around 5m to 6m. This venue regularly produces good pike but it can be busy. There is excellent roadside car parking in this location. There is a slipway here where boats can be launched giving access to all other parts of the lake.

Toome Point
Directly across from south point and is best accessed from the same direction. Access is through a gateway at the end of the promontory. This shoreline is clear and anglers can expect to locate depths from 3m to 8m. Please check access locally.
Fishing by boat is a magnificent way to explore Lough Muckno which has a fantastic design and and contains many bays, islands and drop offs. There are some shallow areas on which boats can run aground so please follow safe boating practices and always wear a life jacket. Trolling lures and float trolling dead-baits regularly produce fish and casting on the drift will also produce results. Anglers are liable to hit fish in most parts of the lake. fly fishing will also produce fish on most areas of the lake.
Gas Lake
Located on the northern end of Castleblayney on the R181 Keady road and is really an extension of Lough Muckno to which a short river connects it. Access is best from the western side from the Keady road. Fishing stands are provided to facilitate anglers but these may be partially covered during high water conditions. It contains good stocks of bream, roach, hybrids, tench and pike. This is a popular fishery due to its proximity to the town.
Malone's Lake or Corrinshigo Lough
Covers an area of 4 hectares with depths up to 4m. Stands are provided and parking is on the roadside. Anglers should take care on this busy road. The lake contains stocks small to medium sized pike. Deadbaiting and spinning produce best results.

Killygola Lake
Located approximately 2km north of Castleblayney on the R181 Keady Road. Parking is limited on this road and anglers should exercise great caution. The margins of the lake are very soft and treacherous in places and access is limited. The best chance of access is on the eastern shore from the Keady road. This lake holds stocks of small to medium sized pike.
The Glencarn Hotel
Monaghan Road
Co. Monaghan
A75 AP92
+353 (0)42 9746666